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About Us

Why Choose Us?

Manufactures of Renewable, Compostable, Labor Sasving, Pruduction Enhancing, Globally Eco-Friendly, Single use Systems for Farm, Field, Nursery, Greenhouse and Garden.

Hear It From Our Clients

"BoaFang es un producto muy gentil con nuestros arboles, tanto de pera como de manzanas. Es una buena opcion para el amarre de nuestros huertos. Es compostable y nos ayuda a tener mejores cosechas. Porsupuesto que en Grupo La Norteñita recomendamos el uso de BoaFang por nuestras huertas, y por un planeta limpio de contaminacion."




Grupo La Norteñita

"BoaFang is a very gentle product with our trees, both pear and apple. It is a good option for tying up our orchards. It is compostable and helps us have better harvests. Of course, at Grupo La Norteñita we recommend the use of BoaFang for our orchards, and for a planet clean of pollution".
En Hacienda del Marquez estamos bien orgullosos de nuestro viñedo y de nuestos vinos, tambien estamos muy contentos de habernos aventurado a innovar con el uso de BoaFang.  Ya comprobamos que es muy efectivo en el amarre, en la compostabilidad, en la rentabilidad y porsupuesto en la amabilidad con las plantas. Procuramos que la limpieza en nuestros viñedos este libre de productos contaminantes porque queremos asegurarnos de heredarles una tierra digna a nuestra familia y tambien a las futuras generaciones."
At Hacienda del Marquez we are very proud of our vineyard and our wines, we are also very happy to have ventured to innovate with the use of BoaFang. We already verified that it is very effective in the mooring, in the compostability, in the profitability and of course in the friendliness with the plants. We ensure that the cleaning in our vineyards is free of polluting products because we want to ensure that we inherit a decent land for our family and also for future generations."




Hacienda del Marquez

Our Background

Since our foundation in 1994, Boa Fang Cinchstrip is a company dedicated to understanding the principles of earth preservation and the agricultural grower’s needs. Each and every one of our products has been specifically designed to meet each and every one of our clients’ needs. Our team of innovators is committed to providing world-class service and support for our products in all aspects of the agricultural growing industry. Our mission is to serve you to develop good cultural practices while minimizing your carbon imprint.


Our products are produced with materials that are highly compostable and renewable. Learn more about our dedication to the environment and quality.

Quality Materials

From our use of the latest technology, quality manufacturing processes, understanding our client’s needs, and hiring the best staff, we are committed to putting the customer first and providing them with quality, made in the USA products.

Industry Expertise

Advanced Paperworks is our sister brand, a Texas-based converter of products using die cutting, laser cutting, routing, slitting, laminating, coating addition, and more. Since 1994, Advanced Paperworks has been committed to customer cases. We have continually grown in sales volume, facility size, capital equipment, product capability, system integrations, and customer base. We deeply believe in the idea that if we can help you succeed, we will succeed as well.

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